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zhihe - intelligeast

November 2023

Shanghai based Zhihe, the leading educational network and publishing platform in the Chinese legal market, published an article on profit distribution systems written by Jaap Bosman: link to the article here (in Chinese)

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zhihe - intelligeast

June 2023

Shanghai based Zhihe, the leading educational network and publishing platform in the Chinese legal market, published an article on the hiring of talent law firm written by Jaap Bosman: link to the article here (in Chinese)

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zhihe - intelligeast

June 2023

Shanghai based Zhihe, the leading educational network and publishing platform in the Chinese legal market, published an article on the effects of chatGPT written by Jaap Bosman: link to the article here (in Chinese)

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Law360 article

May 2023

Jaap Bosman was asked to comment on the merger between Sherman & Sterling and Allen & Overy in a Law360 article shortly after the announcement.

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LATAM 2022 Legal Executive Briefing

June 2022

Jaap Bosman was a keynote speaker at Thomson Reuters' Latin American Executive Briefing 2022 in Sao Paulo, together with Jaime Fernandez Madero.

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Legal Disruptors conference 2022

June 2022

Jaap Bosman was a keynote speaker at the Legal Disruptors 2022 conference in Prague, talking about the 7 core dimensions of successful lawyers.

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ACC Europe

May 2022

Jaap Bosman was a speaker at the European conference of the Association of Corporate Counsel in Madrid.

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column De Jurist

March 2022

Jaap Bosman is a columnist for de Jurist, a legal market publication from Het Financieele Dagblad, Netherlands leading financial newspaper. (In Dutch)

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column De Jurist

February 2022

Jaap Bosman is a columnist for de Jurist, a legal market publication from Het Financieele Dagblad, Netherlands leading financial newspaper. (In Dutch)

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succession planning

February 2022

Jaap Bosman is a contributing writer to Globe Law & Business' publication Succession Planning, edited by Katerina Mennhenet. Read more here.


column De Jurist

January 2022

Jaap Bosman is a columnist for de Jurist, a legal market publication from Het Financieele Dagblad, Netherlands leading financial newspaper. The January column asks for a debate in how we want to tackle limitations on constitutional rights in future crises. (In Dutch)

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article on TGO Offsite Retreat

December 2021

The plans for TGO Offsite Retreat in Swdeden were presented in Swedish newspaper Falköpings Tidning, along with an interview with Jaap Bosman and Lisa Hakanson.

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lecture ESCP Paris

November 2021

Students from the ESCP Business School in Paris (MSc International Business Law & Management) met with Jaap Bosman to discuss the place and importance of soft skills in the legal field and what human qualities a lawyer should have.

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column de jurist

October 2021

Jaap Bosman is a columnist for de Jurist, a legal market publication from Het Financieele Dagblad, Netherlands leading financial newspaper. The October column discusses consequences of hybrid working (in Dutch).

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interview belgian corporate counsel magazine

October 2021

The yearly publication of IBJ, the corporate counsel association of Belgium, celebrates its 150th edition and publishes an interview with Jaap Bosman.

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column de jurist

August 2021

Jaap Bosman is a columnist for de Jurist, a legal market publication from Het Financieele Dagblad, Netherlands leading financial newspaper. The August column argues three important subjects are missing from the law school curriculum (in Dutch).

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JUVE legal operations conference

June 2021

Jaap Bosman held the opening keynote of the JUVE Legal Operations Konferenz 2021, on the topic of bifurcation in the legal market.

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column de jurist

May 2021

Jaap Bosman is a columnist for de Jurist, a legal market publication from Het Financieele Dagblad, Netherlands leading financial newspaper. The May column urges law firms not to go back to 'normal' but to 'better' (in Dutch).

ACC Europe annual conference jaap bosman

ACC Europe Annual Conference

May 2021

The association of corporate counsel (ACC) Europe held its Annual Conference 2021 online. Together with GCs and law firm partners, Jaap Bosman held a session on Optimising partnerships with outside counsel through data and dialogue.

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column de jurist

April 2021

Jaap Bosman is a columnist for de Jurist, a legal market publication from Het Financieele Dagblad, Netherlands leading financial newspaper. The April column looks at law firm investments (in Dutch).

Jaap Bosman Law Firm Management Zihe 202

law firm leaders master class

March 2021

Jaap Bosman held a Master Class for law firm leaders at the Law Firm Leadership & Management Program in Shanghai China.


column de jurist

March 2021

Jaap Bosman is a columnist for de Jurist, a legal market publication from Het Financieele Dagblad, Netherlands leading financial newspaper. The March column looks at how more rules on ethics will fail to give result (in Dutch).

Law Firm Leadership China 2021 Jaap Bosm

law firm leaders master class

February 2021

Jaap Bosman will in March 2021 hold a Master Class for law firm leaders at the Law Firm Leadership & Management Program in China, joined by Scott Westfahl, Harvard, and Peter Zeughauser, Zeughauser Group.

Law Firm Leadership China 2021 Jaap Bosm

interview Jaap Bosman

February 2021

Leading up to the Law Firm Leadership & Management Program in China, March 2021, Jaap Bosman has been interviewed on law firm management by legal publishing platform Zihe.


column de Jurist

January 2021

Jaap Bosman is a columnist for de Jurist, a legal market publication from Het Financieele Dagblad, Netherlands leading financial newspaper. The January column looks at five things we must improve in 2021 (in Dutch).

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article Modern Lawyer

January 2021

Jaap Bosman contributed to Modern Lawyer with an article on swarm intelligence. Modern Lawyer is a publication of Globe Law and Business and edited by Dr Catherine McGregor.


column de Jurist

November 2020

Jaap Bosman is a columnist for de Jurist, a legal market publication from Het Financieele Dagblad, Netherlands leading financial newspaper. The November column looks at the financials of law firms in 2021 (in Dutch).


legal awards

October 2020

Legal publisher SDU annually hands our awards for achievements in the Dutch legal sector. Jaap Bosman is a member of the jury and had the honour to hand the Resilience Award to NautaDutilh (in Dutch).

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October 2020

An article in Law360 (LexisNexis), by Aebra Coe, looks into partner pay guarantees: Is BigLaw Regretting Its Proclivity For Pay Guarantees? Jaap Bosman is asked to comment. Read more here.

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legal executive institute

September 2020

Together with Nancey Watson, Jaap Bosman writes for the Legal Executive Institute (Thomson Reuters) an article on understanding the business is crucial for Legal. Read the article here

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dutch financial press - de jurist

September 2020

Jaap Bosman is a columnist for Dutch legal publication de Jurist (Het Finanieele Dagblad). This article examines the pitfalls of working from home. Read the article here (in Dutch).



September 2020

Jaap Bosman comments on partner compensation systems in a Law360 article (LexisNexis), by Aebra Coe - Will Pure Lockstep Partner Pay Survive the Decade. Read the article here

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aba webinar

June 2020

Jaap Bosman contributed to the 2020 Virtual Annual Meeting organized by the International Law Section of the ABA. More information on the Annual Meeting can be found here

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iba webinar

May 2020

Jaap Bosman presented the kick-off webinar in the first ever Virtual Entrepreneurship Conference organized by IBA, with over 400 lawyers actively attending. A recording can be found here  More information here



April 2020

An article in Law360 (LexisNexis), by Aebra Coe, looks into Corona crisis measures of law firms. The article refers to our blog and some of our analysis is quoted in the article. Find the article here

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zhihe - intelligeast

March 2020

Shanghai based Zhihe, the leading educational network and service provider in the Chinese market, published an article written by Jaap Bosman: link to the article here (in Chinese)

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gazette du palais

March 2020

Gazette du Palais, a leading legal market publication in France, published an interview with Jaap Bosman on Legal Technology and the Creation-Production Divide Concept. Read it here (pdf) or here (in French)

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acc docket

March 2020

Jaap Bosman co-authored the Feature Article of the ACC Docket Magazine March 2020 issue, introducing a 3-step method for prioritizing legal matters in-house.

You can read the article here


podcast Finland

February 2020

Jaap Bosman joined Casper Herler in a podcast on the future of the legal profession. They explore trends for the legal industry in the new decade. What is cognitive diversity? When is specialism bad? And many more.


bloomberg law + bloomberg tax

February 2020

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zhihe - Shanghai

January 2020

Shanghai based Zhihe, the leading educational network and service provider in the Chinese market, published a translated version of Jaap Bosman's original article "5 Trends that will define the New Decade for Law Firms

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acc legal operations - virtual roundtable

January 2020

Jaap Bosman & Vincent Cordo were invited by the ACC to a webinar/virtual roundtable on their book Data & Dialogue, a relationship redefined, focusing on concrete tools to get more value out external lawyers.

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October 2019

An article in Law360, by Aebra Coe, examines the latest expansion of Dentons in the US, and quotes Jaap Bosman. Law360 is a LexisNexis company  known for covering events in the legal market within 48 hours.

ACC-Australia, Jaap Bosman, TGO Consulti

acc australian corporate lawyer magazine

October 2019

The Australian Corporate Lawyer magazine, by ACC Australia, featured an excerpt from the book Data & Dialogue - a relationship redefined in their spring issue 2019.

Jaap Bosman Shanghai Intelligeast 2019 3

innovation forum Shanghai

August 2019

Zhihe, the largest legal community platform in China, and TGO Consulting lectured during the three day Law Firm Innovation Forum in Shanghai, joined by legal tech entrepreneurs and managing partners of law firms from all parts of China.

Law360-plaintiff practice Jaap


July 2019

An article in Law360, by Aebra Coe, examines the decision by Kirkland & Ellis to set up a plaintiffs' side trial group. Jaap Bosman is quoted, providing the context of litigation finance and its potential significant returns. 

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acc breakfast meeting

June 2019

At an ACC Europe breakfast meeting, hosted by EMEA headquarters of Uber, Jaap Bosman and Vincent Cordo gave a briefing on data analysis in legal services from their book Data & Dialogue, a relationship redefined

Jaap Bosman ABA journal 6 most important

article aba Journal

May 2019 published our column The 6 most important qualities for an equity partner. Jaap Bosman, is a regular contributor to the ABA Journal, the flagship magazine of the American Bar Association.

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bloomberg law

April 2019

Jaap Bosman is a contributor to Bloomberg Law. In this Insight article he writes about data analysis in the legal service sector and the insights provided by his new book Data & Dialogue, co-authored by Vincent Cordo.

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article aba journal

April 2019 published an article The Legal Industry Will Need a New Breed of Lawyers, by Jaap Bosman, a regular contributor to the ABA Journal, the flagship magazine of the American Bar Association.

Trends Tendances, Jaap Bosman, Data & Di

trends tendances

April 2019

The Belgian business magazine Trends Tendances featured an interview with Jaap Bosman regarding the newly published book Data & Dialogue, co-authored by Vincent Cordo. (Article in French)

ABA Jaao Bosman monetizing legal

article aba journal

Januay 2019

Jaap Bosman, TGO Consulting, is a regular contributor to the flagship magazine of the American Bar Association. published his article Monetizing your investment in legal tech

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Januay 2019

Legal Sector Jobs Slump by Aebra Coe, Law360, examines the decline in the total number of jobs in the legal sector in Q4, 2018, quoting Jaap Bosman among other. 

Intelligeast Forum Dec 2018 Bosman TGO C

keynote legal forum shanghai

December 2018

Jaap Bosman delivered the closing keynote at the 智合论坛 / Intelligeast Forum 2018, Shanghai, the biggest seminar on the future of the legal profession in China to date. Other speakers include Richard Susskind and Ashish Nanda.


article aba journal

October 2018

Jaap Bosman, TGO Consulting, is a regular contributor to the ABA Journal. published his article: Are lawyers being trapped in their practice niches?


inblf global annual meeting

October 2018

The International Network of Boutique Law Firms (“INBLF”), a global organization of highly regarded boutique law firms, held their annual global meeting in Rome, where Jaap Bosman gave a keynote.


harvard meeting

October 2018

TGO Consulting met with directors of Harvard post-graduate law programmes to exchange views and experience.

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aija congress

August 2018

Jaap Bosman held a keynote at the AIJA congress in Brussels on the topic of being an international lawyer. AIJA is a global association devoted to lawyers and in-house counsel aged 45.


tgo client event

August 2018

TGO Consulting held its client event in Bayreuth (Germany). We attended the performance of Richard Wagner's Walküre


aba journal

June 2018

Jaap Bosman Multilaw Malta June 2018 1.j

legal network emea meeting

June 2018

Jaap Bosman contributed to the EMEA gathering of Multilaw in Malta, with a keynote on the changing relationship between clients and law firms brought on by, amongst other, data analysis.

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law firm leadership roundtable

May 2018

Jointly with ABN AMRO Bank and ZumpolleVanderStoel legal headhunters, TGO Consulting hosted a roundtable with Managing Partners and GCs on the challenges of putting non-lawyers in client facing roles in law firms.

Jaap Bosman, ABA Journal April 2018, TGO

aba journal

April 2018

Jaap Bosman is a regular contributor to the ABA Journal of the American Bar Association. published his article Start monetizing those unused (discountable) billable hours.


lexisnexis France

March 2018

Revue Pratique de la Prospective et de l'Innovation, is a French lawyer magazine published by LexisNexis in partnership with the National Bar Association of France. Jaap Bosman contributed with an article on Prediction & Prevention in legal disputes.

Shanghai Law Association, Jaap Bosman, T

shanghai law association

January 2018

The China Law Publishing House published a summary of the first Shanghai Law Association Law School lecture, held by Jaap Bosman. Kang Jianjun, vice President of Shanghai Law Association, presided at the opening lecture ceremony.

All China Bar - Jaap Bosman - Visit 1912

all China lawyers association

December 2017

Jaap Bosman and Lisa Hakanson from TGO Consulting visited the All China Lawyers Association in Beijing, China.

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Shenzen bar association

December 2017

Jaap Bosman gave a lecture on the topic of ‘Building a great law firm’ at the Shenzen Bar Association, in Shenzen, China.

Law Firm Marketing Summit, 7 November, T

law firm marketing summit London

November 2017

Jaap Bosman held a keynote on positioning and brand building at the 2nd annual Law Firm Marketing Summit London, organised by The Global Legal Post and Global City Media. 

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business radio

November 2017

Jaap Bosman was interviewed on the Dutch business  radio on the topic of law firm profitability in the legal market. The hour-long broadcast can be accessed as a pod-cast (in Dutch).

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Polish bar association

October 2017

Jaap Bosman gave a lecture on the topic of ‘Building a profitable law firm in a digital age’ at the Polish Bar Association (KIRP), in Warsaw, Polen.

Global Legal Post, Law Firm Marketing Su

global legal post

October 2017

The Global Legal Post published comments by Jaap Bosman on the effects of commoditisation in the legal market and the factors changing the way corporate clients value and purchase legal services.

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law press China

October 2017

Law Press China, dedicates their October newsletter to female partners of Chinese law firms. The newsletter concludes with a book review and recommendation of the book Death of a Law Firm.


acc docket

October 2017

The ACC Docket is the journal of the Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC), publishes an article by Jaap Bosman on what it might look like for the in-house counsel of the future.

CCBE innovation and future of the legal

ccbe e-book

October 2017

The Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe (CCBE) has published an eBook containing a collection of essays written by the expert speakers from their annual conference. Jaap Bosman contributed an article on the future of law and access to justice.

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international association of prosecutors

September 2017

The International Association of Prosecutors (IAP) is the worldwide organization of prosecutors. Jaap Bosman was a speaker at the 22nd Annual Conference and General Meeting of the IAP, held in Beijing, China, addressing all Prosecutors General in a closed session.

Shanghai Bar Association, Jaap Bosman, T

shanghai bar association

September 2017

Jaap Bosman was invited by the Shanghai Bar Association, a lawyer's association with near 20.000 members in China, to hold a lecture to its members on the topic of business of law.

Tianjin Lawyers Association, Jaap Bosman

tianjin bar association

September 2017

Jaap Bosman was invited by the Tianjin Bar Association, Peoples Republic of China, to hold a lecture to its members on the topic of business of law.

Tianjin Lawyers Magazine, Death of a Law

tianjin lawyer magazine

September 2017

Tianjin Lawyer, the magazine for all members of the Tianjin Lawyers Association, published a review of Death of a Law Firm in their September issue.

Law360 Jaap Bosman TGO Consulting August


August 2017

5 Ways Law Firms Can Harmonize Client Service, by Aebra Coe, Law360, charts what clients are looking for in terms of service experience, quoting Jaap Bosman among other. Law360 is a LexisNexis news company.

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June 2017

Law360 is a LexisNexis company and news source for legal professionals, business leaders, and government officials. Jaap Bosman is quoted in an article by Sam Reisman regarding the malware attack on DLA Piper.

Global Legal Post wake-up call TGO Consu

global legal post

June 2017

The Global Legal Post published an article on commoditization of legal services based on an article written by Jaap for the

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aba journal

June 2017

Jaap Bosman is a regular contributor to the ABA Journal, magazine of the American Bar Association. It published his article Do you suffer from commoditization blindness?, part of their Legal Rebels.

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death of a law firm

June 2017

The publishing arm of the American Bar Association, ABA Book Publishing, published our book Death of a Law Firm, now for sale via their online store. 

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german bar association

May 2017

At the conference of the German Bar Association, Jaap Bosman joined a panel including Mark A. Cohen (Legal Mosaic), John Fernandez (Nextlaw Labs/Dentons), Jane Townsend (Allen & Overy), debating innovation in law.

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iba global entrepreneurship conference

May 2017

Jaap Bosman contributed to the IBA Global Entrepreneurship Conference, in Paris. 

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aba journal

March 2017

Jaap Bosman is a regular contributor to the ABA Journal, magazine of the American Bar Association. It published his article What lawyers can learn from a dollar-store model, as part of their Legal Rebels series.

Harbour View, Spring 2017 What lawyers c

harbour view

March 2017

The Spring 2017 edition of Harbour View, a publication by Harbour Litigation Funding, celebrates their 10th anniversary. Jaap Bosman contributed with an article on the business of law.


revue pratique

March 2017

Revue Pratique de la Prospective et de l'Innovation, is a magazine for lawyers by LexisNexis and the National Bar Association of France. Jaap Bosman contributed with an article on the business of law. (In English)

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affiches parisiennes

March 2017

Affiches Parisiennes, the Parisian biweekly legal journal, devoted the cover article of their 7 March issue to the JINOV conference in Paris, including the keynote speech by Jaap Bosman. 


op. recht. mechelen.

February 2017

Jaap Bosman will contributed as a key note speaker in a conference programme on Management of Justice, concluded by the Belgian Minister of Justice and organized by the city of Mechelen, Belgium.

JINOV, February 2017, TGO Consulting, Ja

jinov paris

February 2017

JINOV, Les Journées de l’innovation du Droit et du Chiffre, presented its second edition of the days of innovation in law and numbers in Paris. Jaap Bosman contributed as a keynote speaker at this event

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January 2017

TGO Consulting and Advocatie (Sdu) together conducted a survey amongst lawyers regarding their preferences on savings and investments. For a summary of the results in English, click here.

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la lettre des juristes d'affaires

December 2016

One of the leading publication for the legal market in France, La Lettre des Juristes d'Affaires (LJA), published an article on TGO Consulting partner mobility report.

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legal tribune online

December 2016

Legal Tribune Online, a law magazine published by Wolters Kluwer Deutschland GmbH, wrote an article on TGO Consulting partner mobility report.

JEIJ legal access conference 2016 TGO Co

european conference on legal access

November 2016

The Association for Development of Legal Informatization, Juriconnexion and Le Droit Ouvert, together organised the 4th European conference on legal access (JEIJ), where Jaap Bosman contributed.

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winner 2011

excellence in legal marketing award

© TGO Consulting – 2025 - website design: stockholmproject – photos: unsplash + bigstock

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winner 2013

FT Innovative Lawyers Award

member of the

American Bar Association

TGO Consulting and TGO Centre for Entrepreneurship are trading names of JBLH B.V., a limited liability corporation under Dutch law, registered in the Netherlands with corporate registration (KvK) number 63506300.

IBAN number: NL18RABO0305175505 (name of recipient: JBLH B.V.) BIC/SWIFT: RABONL2U


VAT number:   NL 855265681B01

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